About Us

The Davao Jubilee Foundation Inc

Davao Jubilee Center is a charitable rehabilitation facility in Davao, Mindanao, Philippines which provides various rehabilitation and treatment services for disabled people in Mindanao. Davao Jubilee is being operated by the “Davao Jubilee Foundation, Inc. It is a non-stock, non-profit charitable organization designed to help disabled people in the Philippines. It is helping thousands of poor handicapped persons in Mindanao each year through its many valuable services: community-based rehabilitation, physical therapy, eye and ear screening, audiological testing, prostheses, orthoses, custom-made wheelchair, referral network, medical missions and vocational rehabilitation. Davao Jubilee is a long-time partner of Christoffel Blind Mission of Germany.


A borderless community where the gospel is preached and the needs of differently-abled are served.


We are a Christ-centered foundation serving the needs of differently-abled persons to restore their, dignity, capabilities and their place in mainstream society.


Davao Jubilee Center (DJC) was set up in 1986 by CFARD Inc., a Manila-based NGO. It began as a sheltered vocational training workshop in handicrafts for paraplegic persons. Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM) provided principal funding.


In 1990, in order to serve more people, DJC embarked on a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Program, beginning in Barangay Catalunan Grande then expanding in other barangays in Talomo District. The CBR program involve home-based care and rehab for disabled children and adults, with a special programmes (i.e. eyework and prosthesis making), mobilizing the people and resources in the community, all geared towards a more wholistic rehabilitation for persons with disabilities.


The Prosthesis Workshop opened at DJC in 1993, in partnership with Handicap International. Thru Cataract Foundation of CBM supported Eye screenings and cataract surgeries also. As DJC actively participated in local networks, linkages with other GOs and NGOs were tapped for support and referral.


With these developments, Davao Jubilee Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (DJFRD), Inc. was organized in 1995. The founding leaders are Christian volunteers who have been helping CFARD supervise the project, and are committed to carry on the jubilee mission. By mid-1996, DJFRD Inc. became fully responsible for the entire Davao Jubilee project.


To promote better hearing for all, DJFRD began its Prevention of Hearing Impairment and Deafness (PDHI) program in 2001, conducting massive ear screenings of children in day care centers in Talomo, and providing basic interventions and referrals. Today, all field staff and 7 trained trainors from 4 partner GO/NGOs, conduct the program in Mindanao. By sharing the program also, other NGOs like Handicap International and its more than 20 allied partners in Cotabato and ARMM now also implement PDHI in the area. With the formation of the Davao Ear Care Group last year, the Foundation embarks on collaborative efforts with 8 NGO-GO partners to focus on promoting deafness prevention and advocating for higher education and equal opportunities for the hearing impaired persons. Soon in 2007, DJC becomes home to the Mindanao Ear Center that will be established with initial funding from CBM and in collaboration with the Davao Ear Care Group and other stakeholders.


In 2004, in partnership with Handicap International and USAID, the Prosthesis Workshop was expanded. Under the 4-year “Wheelchairs for Mindanao Project”, Davao Jubilee CenterMindanao. Hence, the Orthopedic Workshop & Wheelchair Distribution Unit (OWWDU) now produces prosthesis and orthosis (artificial legs and braces), and distributes custom-made wheelchairs and supportive seating for needy persons. Services include assessment, physical therapy and training in the use, care and maintenance of such assistive devices. became a wheelchair distribution unit for Region 11. Other 4 distribution partner agencies served other regions in.


Today, DJFRD continues to be proactive and dynamic in disability and development work, supporting and initiating exchange and collaboration of GOs and NGOs. It motivates beneficiaries and stakeholders to organize and participate in planning, evaluating and decision making. DJFRD’s biggest challenge is to gain more local financial support to be more sustainable, and to empower persons with disabilities, parents, and communities to take on and spearhead disability work and development in Davao.